It’s time to winterize your vagina

I know you have all just put your decorative gourd attachments on your vibrators, sugared yourself with a candied ball of maple syrup and sweet potato, and spruced up your lady cornucopia with a pumpkin spice douche, but according to the Daily Mirror the Ice Queen cometh and she’s a cruel mistress. It’s winter vagina time, …

“Hot pants! DIY Gynecology” is a Hot Mess

A few weeks ago someone suggested I take a look at the book Hot Pants! Do It Yourself Gynecology and Herbal Remedies. After reading all 95 pages a more apt title would be From Camelot to the Clap, Ancient Gynecology for a Modern Woman. A Herbalist and a Radio Activist turn Fables into Feminism. Because that, …

Don’t put ground up wasp nest in your vagina

Sometimes to distract myself from the hot mess in the White House I Google unusual vaginal therapies and today’s BINGO comes from that gynecological gem that is Etsy, purveyor of not only vaginal herb balls but also of balls of wasp detritus and bark meant for the vagina.   What, you ask, are oak galls? …

Gwyneth Paltrow and GOOP still want you to put a jade egg in your vagina. It’s still a bad idea.

GOOP and Gwyneth Paltrow are so into their jade eggs they are doubling down on the practice. Who am I kidding, a new shipment of jade eggs has hatched and so GOOP is back to flogging them with a letter from an eggthusiast who was dismayed by all the negative press in January. GOOP is just …

How much vaginal discharge is normal? I made a roux to demonstrate.

It seems more and more women are troubled by the symptom of vaginal discharge. I’ve been running a clinic for vaginitis for 20 years and over the past five years I have definitely noticed an increase in the number of women who are concerned about their normal vaginal discharge. Some women even believe that any …

Gwyneth Paltrow is still steaming her vagina for $wellness. She’s still wrong. Here’s why.

In an interview with The Cut non gynecologist, Gwyneth Paltrow extolled the virtues of “vagina” steaming for wellness or something called “swellness.” Sigh. It’s this abuse of the term wellness that bothers just as much as the idea of “vagina” steaming. That wellness is about trying unproven yet expensive mystical therapies that must be healthy …

Vulva/Vagina Venn Diagram

  I’m sick of people forgetting the poor vulva and referring to everything in the female lower reproductive tract as vagina. To help people sort it out I have created this Venn diagram. There are many reason to know the difference. Knowing your own personal anatomy is empowering. If you have a partner you want …