Gwyneth Paltrow and GOOP recommend irrigating your rectum and colon with coffee. Don’t.

It seems January is Gwyneth Paltrow’s go-to month for promoting dangerous things that should not go in or near an orifice. January 2016 brought us vagina steaming, January 2017 brought us jade eggs, and here we are in the early days of January 2018 and is hawking coffee enemas and promoting colonic irrigation. I suspect …

Gwyneth Paltrow is still steaming her vagina for $wellness. She’s still wrong. Here’s why.

In an interview with The Cut non gynecologist, Gwyneth Paltrow extolled the virtues of “vagina” steaming for wellness or something called “swellness.” Sigh. It’s this abuse of the term wellness that bothers just as much as the idea of “vagina” steaming. That wellness is about trying unproven yet expensive mystical therapies that must be healthy …

Autopsy of Toronto Star HPV article and the real dark side of Gardasil they missed

Today the publisher of the Toronto Star, Canada’s largest newspaper, wrote that the article “A wonder drug’s dark side” will be removed from the online site. This is 15 days after it was originally published. It obviously still lives on in print and in screen shots, but now at least no anti-vaccine groups will be …

Explaining Gardasil girls and HPV vaccine safety to the Toronto Star and Heather Mallick

The Gardasil girls are a group of young women who claim injury as a direct result of receiving the HPV vaccine, Gardasil. They have received press on Katie Couric’s now defunct show and most recently in The Toronto Star (read my rebuttal to the Star piece here). No one is doubting that these girls have …

Gwyneth Paltrow says steam your vagina, an OB/GYN says don’t

On today’s episode of ask the experts we pit the gynecologic advice of Gwyneth Paltrow, a consciously uncoupled actress and self-professed lifestyle expert who dabbles in vaginal health, against that of yours truly, a board certified OB/GYN who has completed a 5 year OB/GYN residency and a fellowship in infectious diseases and is an expert …