Gwyneth Paltrow to feature doctor who thinks AIDS is a Big Pharma scam at In Goop Health

As today is World Aids Day I feel it is appropriate to point out that Gwyneth Paltrow and her crack team at GOOP are featuring Dr. Kelly Brogan, an AIDS denialist, as one of their medical experts at In GOOP Health 2018 in New York City. In 2014, so when HIV was well-known to be …

University of Toronto doubles down, restates anti vaccine syllabus not unbalanced

This week I posted concerns regarding the University of Toronto’s response to complaints from scientists and faculty regarding the course Alternative Health at the Scarborough Campus. To summarize, the course was taught by a homeopath and the associated required reading/videos for the class on vaccines was comprised entirely of anti-vaccine propaganda. The syllabus also advised students the course would …

Andrew Wakefield is apparently a legimate source of vaccine info at University of Toronto

Earlier this year two groups of academics (scientists and faculty members) at the University of Toronto wrote letters of concern to the President of the University regarding the course Alternative Health: Practice and Theory HLTD04H3-S, Special Topics in Health taught by Beth Landau-Halpern, a homeopath. One group wrote about their concerns that the course presented …

Are Canadian universities fertile ground for anti vaccine pseudoscience?

There seems to be an alarming trend in anti-vaccine information at some Canadian Universities. Here are the three that recently caught my eye: University of British Columbia A known anti-vaccine group, the Dwoskin Family Foundation, funds “research” at the University of British Columbia. I say they are anti-vaccine because they compare vaccination to the Holocaust. The Dean …

Toronto Star claims HPV vaccine unsafe. Science says the Toronto Star is wrong.

When I was 22 weeks pregnant with triplets I had a craving for a Jamba Juice. So I had one. Three days later I ruptured my membranes and my son Aidan was born and died. During the hospitalization that followed I had a craving for another Jamba Juice and my then husband stalled and delayed …

Effect of a science fair project on MMR vaccine beliefs in Marin County

Background: Marin County, California has one of the highest rates of vaccine refusal in the country. The reasons for this are not socioeconomic, but rather appear to be based on fixed, false beliefs that the MMR vaccine causes autism, contains “toxins,” has mercury, or is associated with outcomes other than measles immunity. Exhaustive educational attempts …