Gwyneth Paltrow’s toxic tampon advice

Dear Ms. Paltrow, It was less than 48 hours ago that I responded to your posting on porous rocks for the vagina and yet here we are again addressing another fact-deficient and potentially harmful bit of gynecological advice from GOOP. I feel as if I am being trolled, although that’s probably just wishful thinking as I doubt …

Dear Gwyneth Paltrow, I’m a GYN and your vaginal jade eggs are a bad idea

Dear Ms. Paltrow, I’ve been reading all about the jade eggs you are selling on GOOP for $55-66 a pop and the corresponding interview with a jade egg enthusiast. I have tried not to respond to this hot mess, after all a man who leers at naked 15 year-olds and brags about sexual assault is about …